Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Ombudsman orders transfer of family pension in favour of the complainant
A complainant approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, for transfer of Family Pension in the complainant's name. Ombudsman Sindh issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate an enquiry into the case.
Ombudsman orders municipal administration Kandiaro to construct safe and hygienic drainage facility.
A complainant approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, requesting for closure of open cesspit which posed serious threat to his katcha house and endangered the lives of children.
OCR Insights for September 2016
The Office of the Citizens’ Representative (ORC) of Newfoundland and Labrador presented the September issue of the institution’s newsletter “OCR Insights”.
Provincial Ombudsman Sindh elected as President of the IOI Asian Region
Honourable Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh has been elected as President of International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) for the Asian Region.
Thematic NPM report “Women in prison”
In December 2016, the Norwegian Parliamentary Ombudsman published a thematic report under the NPM mandate on the conditions for female prisoners in Norway.
PHSO published new guidance on how it determines recommendations for financial remedy
As part of its commitment to greater transparency, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has published new guidance to give greater clarity to how it determines recommendations for financial remedy.
Peter Tyndall reappointed as Irish Ombudsman and Information Commissioner
The Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland is delighted to announce that Peter Tyndall has been reappointed as Ireland’s Ombudsman and Information Commissioner for a second six year term-of-office.
New Ombudsman for the City of Zurich
Pierre Heusser is the newly appointed Ombudsman of the City of Zurich. He was elected by the municipal council (local parliament) in January and succeeded Claudia Kaufmann in mid-August.
Human Rights Commissioner took part in discussion about disciplinary proceedings for judges
Adam Bodnar, the outgoing Human Rights Commissioner was one of the guests of the Verfassungsblog - a journalistic and academic forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany, the emerging common European constitutional space and beyond.
Directives to Inspector General of Prison Sindh for measures to prevent spread of Covid-19
Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, being the custodian of public interests has, taken suo motu action to ensure all safety measures to protect the prison inmates from the outbreak of a second wave of COVID-19.
Ombudsman Quarterly Review Autumn 2021
Peter Boshier, Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand, presents the office’s Quarterly Review for Autumn 2021, which is now available online.
The Ombudsman's November 2022 News Summary
The Ombudsman's Office of Latvia has recently published its November 2022 News Summary containing news articles on the office's Anti Human Trafficking Campaign, on sexual abuse as most common form of violence against children in Latvia, or on ways to accelerate the procedure for extending disability status.
Chancellor of Justice report on military accidents and related social garantuees
The Estonian Chancellor of Justice, Indrek Teder, sent his final opinion to the Minister of Defence as well as to the Commander of the Defence Forces regarding his own-initiative analysis of the investigation of all bodily injuries or deaths that occurred in the Defence Forces and the social guarantees foreseen for the members of the Defence Forces.
Chancellor of Justice inspected psychiatric clinic
Advisors of the Estonian Chancellor of Justice inspected the psychiatric clinic of Pärnu Hospital with the primary aim of checking the use of restraints during the night.
APOR Starter Kit
Starter Kit for New Ombudsman and Developing or Expanding Offices Welcome to a collection of Ombudsman resources, guidance and useful advice, prepared for the members of the Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) with the financial support of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI). This ‘starter kit’ is designed to provide assistance to newly established Ombudsman offices, as well as to those undergoing expansion or looking for assistance to develop existing services or new functions. The resources in this Sarter Kit are set out under a number of broad topics: Core principles Guiding principles How to build and maintain independence Governance and office management Strategic and business planning Measuring and monitoring performance New functions and a growing office Risk management Records management Challenges to jurisdiction Complaints and investigations Receiving and assessing complaints Conducting investigations Managing parties to a complaint Stakeholder engagement Members of Parliament Journalists Government agencies Outreach and awareness Contacts These pages provide information about the topic and include a range of resources relevant to the topic from other APOR members. This starter kit is a dynamic resource, meaning that the resources may be updated and new resources added over time. New or amended resources If your office has any resources you think may be useful to others, or previously provided resources that have been updated, please contact the Western Australian Ombudsman’s office by email at Use of terms Throughout this Starter Kit, some common terms have been used: ‘Agencies’ refers to the Departments, authorities, organisations and other service provides within the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction. ‘Office’ means the office of the Ombudsman. ‘Ombudsman’ refers to the chief executive of the office, and if there are more than one Ombudsman, any or all of them, as relevant. ‘Public officers’ means the people employed in agencies. ‘Staff’ means the people employed in the office under the direction and control of the Ombudsman.
Parliamentary Ombudsman criticises government agencies for data sharing blame game
In a new report published on 12 January 2011, Parliamentary Ombudsman Ann Abraham criticises three government agencies for collectively failing to put things right when a data sharing mistake led to a woman’s personal and financial information being wrongfully disclosed to her former partner and her child support payments being reduced without her knowledge.
Alberta Ombudsman begins duties as Public Interest Commissioner
Mr. Peter Hourihan, Ombudsman for the Canadian province of Alberta, was recently appointed the province’s first Public Interest Commissioner. The office was formally launched 1 June, 2013 after new legislation, the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower) Act, came into force.
First "Sharpening Your Teeth"-Training in the I.O.I. General Secretariat
A first round of training for staff members of ombudsman institutions has started today at the I.O.I. General Secretariat in Vienna. The educational program is based on the format “Sharpening Your Teeth” that was successfully invented by the Ontario Ombudsman André Marin in 2005. The specific I.O.I. edition is held in English and offers a three-day training on systemic investigations. It brings together administrative watchdogs from 18 different countries from all over the world.
Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights took part in 16th session of the UN Human Rights Council
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Nina Karpachova took part in the ongoing 16th session of the UN Human Rights Council. On 9 March 2011 the Ombudsman made an oral statement at the Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child focused on children who live and work in the street.
Alleged age discrimination of Dutch assistant
The European Ombudsman has told the European Commission to establish that it did not discriminate on the basis of age in the case of a successful candidate in a selection competition for assistants.