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Ombudsman launches Annual Report
The Northern Ireland Ombudsman’s Annual Report for 2009/10 was laid before the Northern Ireland Assembly on Wednesday 30 June 2010.
African Ombudsman Research Centre opens in South Africa
On 15 March 2011 the African Ombudsman Research Centre of the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA) was launched by South African President Jacob Zuma at the University of Kwazulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa. Find a full report of I.O.I. Regional Vice-President Adv. John R. Walters here.
Annual report 2010 of the Federal Ombudsman
On March 29, the Belgian federal ombudsmen, Catherine De Bruecker and Guido Schuermans, submitted their report for 2010 to the President of the House of Representatives.
Members of GreenPak scheme now able to claim eco-tax refund
Companies that took part in the GreenPak authorised waste recovery scheme between 2005 and 2008 are now able to claim back the eco-tax they had paid through a legal notice published on Monday.
Swiss Center of Expertise in Human Rights (SCHR) inaugurated
The Swiss Center of Expertise in Human Rights was inaugurated on 6 May 2011 and will be directed by Prof. Walter Kälin of the Institute for Public Law at the University of Bern.
Serbian ombudsman institution visits AOB
For years, the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) has been internationally active fostering the rule of law and supporting the ombudsman family. Among other projects it currently participates in the EU twinning project "Support to the Strengthening of the Serbian Ombudsman".
Ms Calliope Spanou new Ombudsman
On 19 May 2011, the Greek Parliament elected Ms Calliope Spanou as the new Greek Ombudsman. Ms Spanou who was Deputy Ombudsman for state - citizen relations since 2003, has been acting Ombudsman since September 2010, following the resignation of the former Greek Ombudsman, Mr Yorgos Kaminis, who was elected Mayor of Athens in November 2010.
New South Wales Ombudsman reports on the need of a boarding house reform
On 16 August 2011, the NSW Ombudsman tabled a special report to Parliament titled More than board and lodging: the need for boarding house reform. The report draws on extensive work by the Ombudsman´s office since 2002, which has identified serious concerns about the safety, health, welfare and rights of the residents of licensed boarding houses, and the adequacy of the system that is meant to protect them.
I.O.I. provides online access to key ombudsman publication
Over the course of the summer, the General Secretariat has invited I.O.I. members to register for a free of charge electronic access to a comparative legal study about European Ombudsman Institutions. So far, already close to fifty accounts have been provided, enabling I.O.I. user to read and download individual chapters of the following publication: Kucsko-Stadlmayer, Gabriele (ed.): "European Ombudsman-Institutions. A comparative legal analysis regarding the multifaceted realisation of an idea", Springer Wien New York, 2008.
Ombudsman on the UN ombudsman resolution
The Portuguese Ombudsman, Alfredo José de Sousa, participated in Geneva in a round table organized by the Ombudsman of Morocco on the margins of the 18th session of the Human Rights Council, on the topic of the implementation of United Nations Resolution 65/207.
New Board member
The North American Region of the I.O.I. therefore held elections during its meeting in Florida (USA), held in October 2011 and welcomed Hawaii State Ombudsman, Mr Robin Matsunaga as a newly elected Director to the I.O.I. Board.
In 2009 the IOI Board of Directors initiated a reform of the IOI by-laws that will be tabled for vote at the IOI World Conference in New Zealand in November 2012. A regional consultation starting this week will ensure a transparent reform process involving all members and regions.
Ontario Ombudsman André Marin and his team presented “Sharpening Your Teeth” in French for the second time on January 23 and 24, 2012. The training was held in Montreal at the invitation of the Quebec Ombudsman/Protectrice du citoyen, Mme. Raymonde Saint-Germain.
The European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) recently published a factsheet on ‘multiple discrimination’ in healthcare, for instance, by older people with an ethnic or minority background. Its results will inform the debate on how best to address multiple discrimination.
Ombudsman TV show now with subtitles
The Austrian public broadcasting company ORF expands its services for deaf and hearing impaired persons. This includes the popular weekly TV-Show “BürgerAnwalt” in which Ombudspersons Peter Kostelka, Gertrude Brinek and Terezija Stoisits present current cases.
NPM conducted visit to temporary detention places
To execute the functions of NPM, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmira Suleymanova and the members of NPM group regularly conduct short-term and long-term visits to temporary detention places, psychiatric hospitals, penitentiary facilities, places of deprivation of liberty and places of restriction of liberty.
Parliamentary Ombudsman publishes new report
A new report by the Parliamentary Ombudsman reveals how people are struggling to get government departments and public organisations to put right basic mistakes, causing distress, inconvenience, and, in some cases, financial hardship.
Mediation in conflict management scarcely used
Mediation and alternative dispute settlement are, without doubt, useful, effective and child-friendly methods in both child protection and criminal justice. This method is scarcely used in Hungary since its application is hindered by the absence of training of childcare specialists and legal problems, stated Ombudsman Máté Szabó.
Constitutional Court approved ombudsman’s petition
The Constitutional Court of Hungary annulled the provision of the Act on Legal Aid which excluded that persons in precarious social situation submitting a constitutional complaint receive legal advice and legal representation financed from state budget.
project on enhancement of good governance planned
The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance of Tanzania (CHRAGG) plans to organize a capacity building seminar on transparency, good governance and the rule of law in Tanzania.