Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2021-01-26

    CDNS (National Savings) digitized all saving centers under Ombudsman’s instructions

    The Federal Ombudsman Syed Tahir Shahbaz by taking cognizance of the difficulties of senior citizens and widows has directed Director General National Savings (CDNS) to facilitate senior citizens, widows and pensioners as per banking standards.  He was chairing a high level meeting to review the progress on CDNS Reforms Report issued by the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat(WMS).

  • 2017-05-29

    Joint project of the Ombudsman and UN OHCHR being implemented

    The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees have been cooperating on combating violence since 2016. A project on “Empowerment of Women in Displacement Situations” continued this year and covered four regions.

  • 2014-09-17

    Ombudsman Seeks to Compel the Enforcement of A Court Order

    The Commission on Administrative Justice – Kenya’s office of the Ombudsman is seeking to compel the Government of Kenya to pay KES 8 million, approximately $95,000 awarded by a High Court to a torture victim.

  • 2016-06-24

    International Conference on Migration Flows, Albania 7–8 September 2016

    The IOI is pleased to announce a high-level conference on the “Challenges for Ombudsman Institutions with respect to mixed migratory flows”.

  • 2022-11-24

    World’s first official international Ombudsman review finds UK service is robust and good value

    The first ever peer review undertaken under the auspices of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) finds that the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) delivers an “efficient, enhanced and effective modern service” and provides significant value for stakeholders. It has become a much stronger organisation since a previous independent peer review in 2018.

  • 2015-10-22

    Public Protector to ask Government for urgent intervention in Mamelodi Hospital

    Public Protector Adv. Thuli Madonsela met with the management of Mamelodi Regional Hospital and conducted an inspection in loco following media reports about the appalling state of patient care at the hospital.

  • 2022-02-17

    Human Rights Commissioner issues Newsletter 1 / 2022

    The High Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation recently released the January edition of its newsletter.

  • 2020-04-06

    Ombudsman addresses relevant institutions to ensure urgent needs of Persons with Disabilities during COVID-19

    The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva addressed to the relevant state bodies, the public and private sector actors the message drawing the attention to the issue of ensuring the urgent needs of persons with disabilities as they are among the high-risk groups of the population during the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19. 

  • 2021-04-13

    Clinic for law students under the auspices of the Israel Ombudsman

    The Office of the Israel Ombudsman, in conjunction with the College of Safed Law School in northern Israel, is operating a clinic for law students on the subject: The Office of the Israel Ombudsman. The purpose of the clinic is to increase awareness of the Ombudsman's Office among residents of northern Israel, an area with a high concentration of minority populations including Arabs and new immigrants.

  • 2017-06-13

    Annual Report of the Information Commissioner and Commissioner for Environmental Inforamtion

    30,417 requests under the Freedom of Information Act were made to public bodies in 2016. This was the highest number of FOI requests ever recorded. The number of applications made to the Information Commissioner to review FOI decisions rose by 32% in the same year.

  • 2019-11-04

    SPSO presents Annual Report 2018-2019

    The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) has just published its Annual Report for the period 2018-2019. The report highlights the office’s achievements in what according to Ombudsman Rosemary Agnew was “both a challenging and an exciting year.” She said that despite increasing caseloads (both complaints and Scottish Welfare Fund review applications) the SPSO continues to perform to an excellent standard, maintaining a consistently high level and quality of output.

  • 2019-12-02

    Ombudsman introduces "Progressive and Participatory Public Services Method" through national seminars

    The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia held a national seminar entitled "Fulfillment of Public Service Standards in the Context of Progressive and Participatory Public Services (Propartive)" on 27 November 2019 in Jakarta. The event was opened by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD and attended by several Ministers, High Officials, Mayors and Regents.

  • 2022-03-23

    Control Yuan organizes keynote speech on new citizen judges trial system

    Among the people’s written complaints received by the Control Yuan (CY), cases regarding judicial and prison administration accounted for the largest number, as high as 39.1%. In order to get better understanding of the Citizen Judges Act, which will take effect in 2023, the CY invited the Judicial Yuan Criminal Department to come to the Control Yuan and to deliver a speech on the new citizen judges trial system.

  • 2023-12-07

    Tranquilisers instead of individual support: even such cases are encountered during the Defender’s visits to residential facilities for people with disabilities

    The stories of two men with mental disabilities, recorded by employees of the Defender’s Office during their visits, illustrate a phenomenon, which has mostly been overlooked so far: some people with mental disabilities, especially those with challenging behaviour, receive high doses of tranquilisers. According to the Deputy Defender, this practice has to change. Behaviour is often the only possible form of communication for people who cannot otherwise make contact with others. It is therefore necessary that the latter understand the unmet needs behind the patient’s challenging behaviour and be able to respond accordingly. Tranquillisers must not be the first, let alone the only and permanent “solution”.

  • 2015-05-27

    Vigorous activities by the Seimas Ombudsmen raise public awareness about the Seimas Ombudsmen`s Office

    More than a half (54%) of Lithuanian residents would know where to find protection against human rights violations, as many as 42% would seek help from the Seimas Ombudsmen. Those are the findings of a representative survey of the population commissioned by the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office, carried out at the end of last year.

  • 2020-04-06

    COVID-19 pandemic - urgent steps needed to protect the rights of prisoners

    Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović calls on member states to safeguard the rights and health of all persons in prison during the COVID-19 pandemic. Convicted prisoners and persons on remand are among those most vulnerable to viral contagions as they are held in a high-risk environment: in general, detention facilities are not adapted to face large-scale epidemics, and the basic protective measures such as social distancing and hygiene rules cannot be observed as easily as outside, exposing prisoners to greater health risks.

  • 2018-07-04

    Latest report from Victorian Ombudsman on recommendations - focus on social justice

    Inadequate financial support provided to kinship carers and children from disadvantaged backgrounds being expelled from school at a disproportionately high rate are among the issues identified by the Victorian Ombudsman over the past year. Ombudsman Deborah Glass has tabled in the Victorian Parliament her second biennial report on the implementation of her investigations’ recommendations. Her report covers the 125 recommendations she made to state and local government bodies between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2018.

  • 2017-07-19

    Ombudsman publishes latest issue of Annual Report

    The Ombudsman of Hong Kong released to the public her Annual Report 2017. The Report noted that most government departments are receptive to the recommendations for improvement made by the Office of The Ombudsman to address their inadequacies. The Report also highlighted the increasing number of complaints about access to information in the past few years. The number of related cases the Office received during the past year was at a record high.

  • 2013-09-05

    ACRC hosted Anti-Corruption Agency Forum

    The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of Korea hosted the 7th Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) Forum on September 2 in Seoul by bringing together high-level officials of major anti-corruption agencies in the Asia-Pacific region.

Showing 81 to 100 of 5101 entries