Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2019-07-09

    Czech Ombudswoman supports Polish Ombudsman who faces criticism for defending human rights in Poland

    A number of international organisations and networks, namely ENNHRI, Equinet, GANHRI, IOI and OHCHR Europe, issued a statement in which they openly supported the Commissioner for Human Rights of Poland Adam Bodnar who is facing a strong criticism including the hateful campaign against him and hate speech for publicly protecting the right to a fair trial and the prohibition from inhumane and degrading treatment.

  • 2019-08-14

    ENNHRI submits third-party intervention to European Court of Human Rights on right to vote for persons with disabilities

    ENNHRI has submitted a third-party intervention to the European Court of Human Rights in the cases of Strøbye v. Denmark and Rosenlind v. Denmark concerning the right to vote for individuals who are under legal guardianship or deprived of their legal capacity. Led by the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) of Denmark (Danish Institute for Human Rights), the submission underlines that voting rights cannot be withdrawn solely based on a disability.

  • 2019-08-16

    Commonwealth Ombudsman released two reports about abuse in the Defence Force

    The first report, Defence’s policies for receiving and responding to reports of abuse, examines current Defence policies and procedures for the reporting and management of abuse. This report focuses on Defence’s documentation in this area; subsequent reports will examine how the policies and procedures are applied in practice.

  • 2019-12-16

    Hong Kong Ombudsman’s direct into arrangements for depositing layout plans of public pleasure grounds

    The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (12 December) announced the completion of a direct investigation into the arrangements for depositing layout plans of public pleasure grounds (PPGs) in the Land Registry (LR) by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). The investigation report has been uploaded to the website of the Office of The Ombudsman for public information.  

  • 2021-02-18

    Ombudsman suggests solutions for teleworking parents with dependents or minor children

    The Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Education and the Secretary of State for Social Security, in which she requested consideration of solutions for employees in the telework regime who are faced with situations that are incompatible with the demands of their family lives, in particular when they have dependent children or children under 12 years of age studying at home.

  • 2021-06-14

    ACRC runs virtual anti-corruption training for countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of the Republic of Korea will run an online training course for three days from May 25, 2021 to share its anti-corruption polices and experiences with countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

  • 2022-03-11

    Leveraging the Venice Principles and UN Resolution to promote and protect Ombudsman organizations

    Join Ontario Ombudsman and IOI North America Regional President Paul Dubé for a virtual discussion on 29 March 2022 to discuss possible ways to leverage internationally endorsed standards for Ombudsman, such as the Venice Principles and the respective UN Resolution to strengthen and protect your institution.

  • 2022-03-18

    AORC webinar: Seeking higher ground - values and ethics of the Ombudsman

    The African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) invites you to attend a webinar on “Seeking higher ground – values and ethics of the Ombudsman” to be held on 30 March 2022. This facilitated discussion will discuss whether there is a need for a general code of ethics for Ombudsman and promoting ethics and accountability in government and Ombudsman institutions. 

  • 2022-09-07

    Ombudsman's Office issued written request for clarification

    The Ombudsman's Office issued a written request for a clarification regarding a complaint in which a man's civil status has been disposed, and therefore he is no longer registered in the civil registry and according to his identity card, counts as an immigrant who is officially ineligible to apply for Thai citizenship.

  • 2023-05-24

    PCC makes case for inmates in correctional centres

    In his opening remark at a town hall meeting on systemic and proactive investigation into welfare of inmates in the correctional centres in Nigeria at Owerri, Imo State at 10 May 2023, the Honourable Chief Commissioner, Public Complaints Commission, Hon. Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, stressed the need for the Government to create and maintain a conducive environment for said inmates.

  • 2023-07-20

    Webinar on Strengthening Cyber Security in Ombudsman Institutions

    Join the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC), a research and training arm of the African Ombudsman and Mediators' Association (AOMA), for an essential webinar on "Strengthening Cyber Security in Ombudsman Institutions" on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am (GMT+2). 

  • 2023-07-20

    Working meeting of the Forum for Dialogue between the Ombudsperson’s Institution and Civil Society Organizations

    The regular working meeting of the Forum for Dialogue between the Ombudsperson’s Institution and Civil Society Organizations was held on Thursday 14 July 2023, in Pristina. In this meeting, the cooperation of the Ombudsperson and civil society in undertaking joint initiatives for the protection of basic human rights and freedoms in the country was highly appreciated. 

  • 2024-08-01

    Deputy Ombudsman opens training on the “Information and Technology Ecosystem in Timor-Leste”

    Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights, Maria Marilia da Costa, opened a training session on the “Information and Technology Ecosystem in Timor-Leste,” organized by the Progressive Association of Information Technology Timor-Leste (ITP-TL). The event took place at the Fundação Oriente Hall in Dili.

  • 2011-03-21

    Joint statement on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

    In a joint statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Nils Muiznieks, Chair of the Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI); Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA); and Janez Lenarčič, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), strongly condemned manifestations of racism and related intolerance.

  • 2012-09-17

    On-The-Spot Inspections of the Ombudsman

    There is worse than prison: Temporary hostel of restricted access, Nyírbátor – on-the-spot inspections of the ombudsman. Buildings in terrible conditions, plastic bottles used instead of toilets, abused persons in detention, continuous violations of human dignity. Prof. Máté Szabó ombudsman asked the General Prosecutor, the Chief of Police of Hungary and the Minister of Internal Affairs for intervention after inspections made on the spot at Nyírbátor temporary hostel of restricted access.

  • 2013-11-14

    Ombudsman issues reprimands to doctors for operating on patient against her will

    Parliamentary Ombudsman Petri Jääskeläinen has issued reprimands to two doctors at a central hospital as well as to a hospital district for an unlawful action. In addition, he has recommended that the hospital district make recompense to the patient for the violations of her fundamental and human rights to which she was subjected.

  • 2014-03-11

    Ombudsman publishes proposals aimed at strengthening the Ombudsman Institution

    The Parliamentary Ombudsman believes that the proposals include essential measures to be taken for a correct evolution of the Institution in a modern and democratic society.

  • 2014-07-10

    Family to receive £130k after their lives put at risk by Home Office failings

    The lives of members of a family were put at risk because the Home Office didn’t listen to their concerns about an overseas criminal and continually failed to put right their earlier mistakes, according to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

  • 2014-12-22

    Ombudsman probes Water Supplies Department mechanism for handling leaks of private water pipes

    On 18 December 2014, the Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, declared a direct investigation into the effectiveness of the mechanism of the Water Supplies Department (WSD) for handling leaks (bursts) of private water pipes.

  • 2015-06-18

    Public Statement of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

    The last few weeks a group of People’s Deputies are executing a political order, making groundless accusations and are putting an overt political pressure on the institution of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.  

Showing 1181 to 1200 of 5101 entries