Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
FRA report on better guardianship rules to protect child victims of trafficking
Of the several hundreds of thousands of people trafficked in the EU, one in six are children. Existing guardianship rules for such children, who are often without parental care, frequently leads to inadequate support and protection, finds the latest report from FRA.
The collective return of refugees should be rejected by defenders of human rights
The Defensor del Pueblo has argued that, facing the daily arrival of thousands of refugees in Europe, the European Union ought to present a common and coordinated response which guarantees humanitarian reception, relocation and integration of refugees in their host society.
Complaints make public services better says Ombudsman Tyndall
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall wants to see more people complain about services provided by public bodies such as government departments, local authorities and the HSE. Launching his annual report for 2015 the Ombudsman said that complaints can be used to improve the delivery of public services.
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights issue paper on migrant integration
Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights released a report on migrant integration with the view to provide guidance to governments and parliaments to design and implement successful integration policies. It highlights the European standards which govern this field and sets forth a number of concrete recommendations to ease migrants’ integration.
Recommendation to adopt a law concerning persons with disabilities accompanied by guide dogs
Over the last few years, the Public Defender of Rights received many complaints by persons who were, for instance, not allowed to enter certain buildings or public transport vehicles with their assistance dogs.
National Ombudsmans visits colleague in Poland
“Independent, impartial and outreaching”; with these three terms Reinier van Zutphen, National Ombudsman of the Netherlands defined the central task of an ombudsman institute. He did so during a press conference at the office of the Polish ombudsman Mr Adam Bodnar. Mr Van Zutphen is also board member of the European Chapter of the de International Ombudsman Institute (IOI). The Dutch National Ombudsman visited his colleague for a two day meeting sharing best practices and experiences.
Adam Bodnar attended meeting of the Ombudspersons of the Visegrad Group countries
In the Czech city of Brno, an annual V4 meeting was held of ombudspersons from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In the adopted declaration "Human Rights for Everyone", the Visegrad Group ombudspersons emphasized their common goals and values, as well as the significance of the institution of ombudsman maintaining independence of the authorities. Thanks to such independence, the ombudspersons may support ordinary people in their conflicts with the state.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the delivery of registered mail to blind and partially-sighted persons
By default, Magyar Posta [the Hungarian postal service] allows the delivery of registered mail to blind and partially-sighted persons only in the presence of a witness of full age. According to the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, this practice is in violation of the right to equal dignity and the country’s international human rights commitments.
Victorian Parliament referred new investigation to Ombudsman
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has received a letter from the Legislative Assembly of the Victorian Parliament referring a matter for investigation and report under section 16 of the Ombudsman Act 1973. The referral requires THE Ombudsman to investigate matters concerning invoices current and former Liberal and Nationals MPs certified for payment by the Department of Parliamentary Services.
World Mental Health Day - Ombudsman recalls need for urgent improvements in Education Centers
Following visits to the country's Educational Centers (EC), the Ombudsman of Portugal, acting as head of the National Prevention Mechanism (NPM), made a recommendation in February 2019 to the Directorate General for Reinsertion and Prison Services (DGRSP) to overcome several identified shortcomings. The recommendation of the Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, urged the DGRSP to install, in articulation with the health authorities, still this year, a therapeutic unit for the treatment of acute cases diagnosed in the mental health panorama.
Ombudsman Hong Kong announces results of own motion investigation
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong SAR, Ms Winnie CHIU, announced on 14 November, 2019, the results of an own motion investigation on the notification mechanism and arrangements for imprisoned singleton public rental housing tenants.
Safeguard women against partner violence
Millions of women and girls in Europe suffer physical, sexual or psychological violence at the hands of their partner or family members. On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) calls on the EU and its Member States to step up their commitment towards ending violence against women.
Ombudsman Hong Kong commends public organisation for positive complaint handling
The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, China, Ms Winnie CHIU, hosted the Presentation Ceremony of The Ombudsman's Awards online on 4 December 2020. The Awards are to commend the public organisations and officer for their exemplary performance in complaint handling and customer services.
Enquiry regarding a so-called enforced police assistance of a 13-year-old
A social welfare board requested the police's assistance to transport a 13-year-old girl to one of the National Board of Institutional Care’s residential homes for young people. The transport was delayed partly because the Police Authority and the social services disagreed on whether representatives of the social welfare board should accompany the transport, and partly because there were problems with booking a flight. 17 hours after the girl was taken into care the transport began by car and after 10 hours of transport, she arrived at the residential home
Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces Annual Report 2020 published
The Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces (SCOAF) Annual Report 2020 was laid in Parliament today. The report is the fifth report to cover the work of the Service Complaints system and the Ombudsman’s office. There have been a number of improvements to the reformed Service Complaints system. However, the Ombudsman once more finds that the system is not yet efficient, effective and fair.
CHRAJ calls for quick passage of Aged Bill
Joseph Whittal, the Commissioner of Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), has called for the quick passage of the Aged Bill into law to ensure the effective protection of the rights of the aged. Mr. Whittal made the call in Accra at a Round Table Meeting as part of activities to mark the International Day of Older Persons.
BC Ombudsperson's report on filure to flow federal disability benefits to caregivers of Indigenous girl
Victoria – In a report released today (31 May 2022), the Ombudsperson finds the Ministry of Children and Family Development acted unjustly when it failed to pass on federal disability benefits to grandparents caring for their granddaughter, an Indigenous girl living with mental and physical challenges.
Ombudsman announces results of direct investigation into alleged illegal operation of Kaito ferry service
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced at a press conference the completion of a direct investigation into the problem of alleged illegal operation of kaito ferry service, and made 10 recommendations for improvement to the Marine Department (MD) and the Transport Department (TD).
Ombudsman holds a Good Decision-Making training for Correctional Services Solomon Islands (CSSI) Senior Management Officers
The Solomon Islands Ombudsman and his executive successfully completed a two days’ Good Decision-Making Training Workshop with the Senior Management Team of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI). The workshop was based on the theme: “Cutting the Cost of Bad Decision Making in Public Offices” and was held at the St Barnabas Leaf Haus in Honiara, from 3rd to 4th of October, 2022.
The ACRC launched a training course to share its experience in fighting corruption with African countries
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of the Republic of Korea launched a training course to share its anti-corruption policies and experiences with African countries.