1. August 2016
This Casebook contains summaries of recent cases the Ombudsman has dealt with. 
1. August 2016
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights spoke during a meeting on the organisation of the monitoring of the fulfilment of the Action Plan and on the implementation of the National Strategy in the field of human rights, which was organized by the Ombudsman's Office and the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights (UHUHR).
26. Juli 2016
The Norwegian Parliamentary Ombudsman published his annual report 2015 and the annual report 2015 for the national preventive mechanism (NPM), a mandate that the Ombudsman has exercised since Norway ratified the OPCAT in 2013.  
26. Juli 2016
Alejandro Amor, el Defensor del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, presentó ante la Legislatura porteña una iniciativa para ampliar el derecho al voto y promover el debate de candidatos, la igualdad de género, la inclusión de la observación electoral, un registro de autoridades de mesa y la creación de un Tribunal Electoral.
26. Juli 2016
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has today published a set of quality standards, which are commitments to people who use the service about what they can expect from it.
26. Juli 2016
The Control Yuan (CY) recently published a report on its activity in 2015.
22. Juli 2016
On 14 July 2016 the Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) Mr Michael O’Flaherty met with IOI Secretary General Mr Günther Kräuter in Vienna.
22. Juli 2016
On behalf of IOI community, IOI Secretary General Kräuter and IOI President Walters issued a statement of solidarity with France.