17. August 2016
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall congratulated students on their results in the Leaving Certificate examinations and reminded them that his Office can independently examine complaints against all public third-level education bodies.


16. August 2016
La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) manifiesta preocupación por la Resolución N° 1003/2016 del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. La PPN ha recibido con preocupación el dictado por parte del Ministerio que deroga la resolución N° 1484 mediante la cual se establecía que antes del 10 de septiembre del corriente año, debía fijarse un límite máximo de camas adaptadas a los objetivos y principios de la Ley Nacional de Salud Mental.
16. August 2016
Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic, Anna Šabatová, has recently published three annual reports on her activities.
12. August 2016
After holding consultation days in Vorarlberg and Tyrol Ombudsman Guenther Kraeuter followed an invitation from the South Tyrol Ombudsman, Gabriele Morandell, this week. As part of a public event in Bolzano Kraeuter presented the Austrian institution and explained the main tasks of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI).
10. August 2016
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights is pleased to present the electronic version of the first “Comprehensive Annual Report of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the Activities of the OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism in 2015”.
9. August 2016
The South Australian Ombudsman investigated a complaint about the treatment of a young man held in custody by the Department for Correctional Services. The young man was held under the Mental Health Act 2009.
9. August 2016
On 2 August 2016, the Correctional Investigator of Canada, Mr. Howard Sapers, released his investigation into the extent and manner in which the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) discloses information with family members of an inmate who has died in federal custody.
9. August 2016
On 4 August 2016, the Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman, Mr Mario Hook and his staff including our Health Complaints Handling team were outside Parliament House distributing their 16th Annual Report for the year 2015.