6. April 2016
The Office of the Ombudsman of the State of Iowa released its annual report 2015. The Ombudsman’s annual report features select examples of casework done during the year and provides a statistical analysis of where the complaints originated and which agencies they concerned.
6. April 2016
Ottawa (Ontario) - Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent released today a comprehensive review of the support currently available to families in transition from military to civilian life.
6. April 2016
Ottawa (Ontario) – L’ombudsman des vétérans Guy Parent a publié aujourd’hui un examen exhaustif du soutien offert aux familles qui font la transition de la vie militaire à la vie civile.
6. April 2016
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms.Valeriya Lutkovska approved the Plan of measures for realization of the National strategy in the field of human rights for the period till 2020 and continuous pro-active monitoring by employees of the Secretariat of the Commissioner of a state of fulfillment of the National strategy by the appropriate government bodies is introduced.
6. April 2016
On 23/03/2016, a meeting was held with representatives of the Office of the OSCE Presence in Albania in the premises of the People’s Advocate Institution. During this meeting PA's experts presented issues regarding the complaints submitted to the Ombudsman Institution by the representatives of Roma community settled in Sharra waste disposal site in the outskirts of Tirana.
5. April 2016
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) offers its next Regional Summer Academy for Eastern Africa. It will be in Kampala (Uganda) in September 2016 and is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, in cooperation with IACA.
4. April 2016
New Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé took his oath of office today, beginning a five-year term as the province’s independent, impartial watchdog. Mr. Dubé is the province’s seventh Ombudsman since the office was established in 1975.
4. April 2016
Le nouvel Ombudsman de l’Ontario, Paul Dubé, a prêté serment professionnel aujourd’hui, entamant un mandat quinquennal en tant que chien de garde indépendant et impartial de la province. M. Dubé est le septième Ombudsman de l’Ontario depuis que ce Bureau a été créé en 1975.