4. April 2016
OTTAWA, March 31, 2016 - The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness issued an interesting statement.
1. April 2016
The Constitutional Court found that the remedial actions recommended by the Public Protector on non-security upgrades for the private Nkandla home of South African President Jacob Zuma are legally binding.
1. April 2016
The Office of the Catalan Ombudsman will host an IOI Workshop on the current challenges and threats that human rights are facing and the task of Ombudsman institutions therewith. The workshop will be held in Barcelona from 26 - 27 April 2016 and registration is now open.
31. März 2016
Du 02 au 04 mars 2016, le Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme de l’Etat et de la Modernisation de l’Administration, a organisé, à la faveur de la journée africaine de l’Administration et du service public, un forum national pour une meilleure qualification des ressources et du service public en général.
31. März 2016
Los ciudadanos optan mayoritariamente por tramitar las quejas en el Diputado del Común (Islas Canarias) de forma presencial. A pesar de que casi se multiplican por 3 las tramitadas a través de la página web institucional, también crecieron las recibidas en las oficinas de este organismo
31. März 2016
Two weeks after the publication of our report on detention conditions, the administration of justice and crime prevention in Nunavik, the government has pledged to act quickly.
31. März 2016
A report from the National Assembly for Wales’ Finance Committee has recommended a new law should be introduced to strengthen the powers of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
30. März 2016
In March 2016 IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter paid a visit to the host of the 11th IOI World Conference, the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand, and took the opportunity of this preparatory meeting to talk to several journalists in Thailand.