The 12th World Conference and General Assembly of the International Ombudsman Institute will be hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland and held in Dublin, Ireland between 17 and 22 May 2020.
Planning for the event is now well underway. The General Assembly will be considering further reforms to the IOI By Laws to make us ever more transparent, accountable and effective.
The Conference Theme will be “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”. It will feature international best practice in working with groups of people who have difficulties in accessing our services, but who are often most in need of our interventions.
Sessions will include examples of innovative Ombudsman work with prisoners, with refugees and asylum seekers, with first nations, with the rural poor, with people with learning disabilities and with mental health problems.
An email will soon be issued to members inviting them to signal their interest in attending. The email will provide a link which will allow members to provide their contact information to receive further updates and information in relation to the conference.
We look forward to welcoming you all to Dublin!