Azerbaijan | 15th meeting of the "Business and Human Rights" Working Group was held

The 15th meeting of “Business and Human Rights” Working Group at the Ombudsman was held on 22 December. The event entitled “Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the context of business and human rights” was attended by member of the Parliament, representatives of the Ombudsman's Office, respective state bodies, NGOs and members  of independent Experts’ Council at the Ombudsman.

In her speech the Commissioner for Human Rights said implementation of SDGs require complex approach from the political and institutional point of view. Thus, the formation of an effective national enforcement mechanism is of particular importance for sustainable, comprehensive and diverse development of the economy and the provision of a balanced development of social spheres.  She added that the creation of the National Coordination Council on SDGs by the country president and the submission of its first report on the implementation of SDGs to the UN voluntarily are important steps taken in this regard.

The Commissioner noted that Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) as an important element of implementation of SDGs plays a special role in ensuring human rights and freedoms. E. Suleymanova highlighted the importance of cooperation of state bodies and NGOs and noted that particular attention should be paid to CSR. These issues should be included into state programs, practice of foreign countries should be learned and provisions of international documents should be taken into consideration in this regard.

Ziyad Samadzade, the member of the Parliament, Nijat Eyvazzade, the representative of the Ministry of Economy, deputy Secretary General of National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations, Sahib Mammadov Chairman of the Labor Rights Protection League and the member of Expert’s Council also made presentations during the event.

At the end of the event future perspectives of cooperation were discussed, proposals and recommendations were made.


Source: Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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