The second year of work of the Jordan Ombudsman shows a decline of complaints on the one hand, on the other, the Ombudsman Bureau was able to resolve more complaints than in the year before. Only the response of administration towards the Ombudsman’s reports was below expectations.
The report shows the results of the Bureau’s efforts which are inferred from its ability to resolve 78% of the complaints submitted to it and in which the administration’s error was found. The decrease within the amount of complaints compared to 2009 is caused by the growth of public knowledge in the rules of work and functions of the Bureau due to the media efforts and awareness programs exerted by its departments, states Jordan Ombudsman Mr Abdelilah Al-Kurdi, who wants to establish a ‘culture of complaint’ and to promote the relationship between the citizens and the state from plain care to mutual and joint responsibility. Therefore the Jordan Ombudsman Bureau launched further awareness campaigns which targeted all Government administrations.