Reaching its 10th anniversary in 2012 the institute of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan implemented its activities in the effective cooperation with state agencies, NGOs, mass media, communities as well as international organizations.
The changes and amendments adopted to the Constitutional Law broadened the competence as well as ensured the independence of the Commissioner by granting the rights to fulfill the functions of the National Preventive Mechanism against torture as well as to supervise over the implementation of obligations arising from the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Access to Information”.
Last year, as a part of main activities, the Commissioner has also worked on combating such issues as red tape, bureaucratic obstacles and arbitrariness, violence, corruption, indifferent attitudes towards citizens’ problems in order to better ensure human rights and right to appeal as well as protect people’s honor and dignity. The Commissioner and the Institute staff members conducted regular meetings with local habitants in various regions of the country, visited temporary detention places, investigatory isolators, prisons, military units, healthcare and education facilities, orphanages, centers for old and disabled persons, boarding schools and IDP settlements, organized receptions, carried out significant advisory work and consultations as well as other activities on human rights protection.