WORLD BANK | A Jordan Ombudsman Bureau with enhanced capacity

The World Bank is mainstreaming citizen engagement through - among other things - supporting the development of Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRMs), which are used by Ombudsman Institutions as a vehicle to enhance citizen voice and government responsiveness in order to advance citizen-centered governance. The recent inclusion of an indicator on grievance redress (% of registered grievance resolved) in its corporate score card is likely to see more GRMs being integrated into sectorial projects/programs and their results frameworks.

As part of its Quick Notes Series on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the World Bank introduced a project dedicated to the Jordan Ombudsman Bureau between 2011 to 2014.

The development objective of the World Bank funded project, launched in July 2011 and completed in August 2014, was to build the capacity of the Jordan Ombudsman Bureau to perform effieciently and effectively, by achieving the following:

  1. Strengthening its service delivery and management systems.
  2. Establishing a complaints administration process that resolves complaints in a fair manner and in a timely fashion.
  3. Ensuring that recommendations to other public bodies about improvement of services are accepted and implemented.

By early 2015, when the automated complaints management system is fully operational, the Jordan Ombudsman Bureau will be able to deliver its mandate efficiently and effectively and help implement the government reform agenda by improving living standards for Jordanians, since more complaints will in the future be addressed by the Bureau and involve, among other issues, such issues as employment, access to basic public services, and access to social welfare benefits.

For more information on the project, please visit the World Bank's webpage.

Source: Quick Notes Series, WORLD BANK

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