The training, which was hosted by the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG), was attended by 21 investigation officers from African Ombudsman Institutions in Kenya, Malawi, Lesotho, Nigeria and Tanzania. The training took place from 2 to 4 January, 2014, in the capital city of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam.
The presentations, lectures and case studies focussed on topics such as the developing role of the Ombudsman, law, human rights, accountability, investigation and mediation skills and media. In the course of the event, the participants not only gained extensive subject knowledge but also became familiar with investigation procedures and techniques as well as the planning, conducting and reporting of investigations through group exercises and practical assignments.
The training was a full success due to the good organization and cooperation with the Ombudsman institutions and with the highly qualified experts. The participants, who were actively engaged in the discussions and group exercises, could improve their knowledge and skills in the broad field of investigations. The long-term impact of the training will depend on their commitment to apply the lessons learned in their future performances.