The Ombudsman of Ukraine Mrs. Valeria Lutkovska signed the Order on Creation of the Advisory Council to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights. The personal composition of the Advisory Council of 28 persons, suggested by the Working group was approved without changes.
The first meeting of the Advisory Council will be convoked on July, 24, 2012.
The Advisory Council to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights is created in conformity of the Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine «On the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights» with the purpose of rendering advisory support to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, holding scientific researches, and also consideration of suggestions concerning the improvement of the state of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms by means of effective using of potential of civil society institutions.
The Council is constantly acting a collective consultative advisory body which operates on the voluntary basis.
The composition of the Council: the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, representatives of international, nongovernmental and trade-union organizations, mass media, civic activists and specialists which have an experience in the field of defense of human rights and freedoms.
Basic forms and directions of activity of the Council are regular and extraordinary meetings, and also establishing and work of permanent and temporal expert working groups which must prepare: suggestions concerning perfection of activity of public authorities of executive bodies and local self-government; promote legal culture and awareness of citizens; promote deepening cooperation of the Commissioner with nongovernmental and trade-union organizations, and also mass media.
On July, 3 2012 at the meeting of the Working group for creation of the Advisory Council to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights the drafts of Statute of the Advisory Council and Regulation of its activity, given for consideration and decision-making to the Ombudsman of Ukraine Mrs. Valeria Lutkovska were considered and approved.
The first meeting of the Working group for creation of the Advisor Council to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights took place on June, 14, 2012. Then the Working group approved its regulation of work, considered the drafts Statutes of the Advisory Council, which were delivered by the representatives of nongovernmental and trade-union organizations, and also adopted decision concerning beginning of the procedure of the assignment of nominees to the Advisory Council.
On June, 7, 2012 as a result of the meeting of the Ombudsman of Ukraine Valeria Lutkovska with the representatives of nongovernmental organizations the Working group for creation of the Advisory Council to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights was established.
On May, 23, 2012 the working meeting of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Mrs. Valeria Lutkovska took place with the representatives of non-governmental organizations, as a result of which Mrs. Valeria Lutkovska made decision to create the Advisory Council to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.
Source: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights