IOI EUROPE | Amended regional by-laws available online

At a Regional Board meeting in Vienna in October 2014, it was agreed that the a proposal should be put to all Voting members to amend the Rules of the European Region of the IOI to allow for the election of a Regional Vice-President.

It was proposed that the Regional Vice-President should perform the duties of the Regional President in the event of a vacancy arising in that position and the proposed amendment was as follows:

“A Vice-President shall be elected from amongst the remaining Directors of the IOI at the first meeting of Regional Directors following their election. In circumstances where the position of Vice-President becomes vacant between regional meetings, the Vice-President shall be elected from amongst the remaining Directors of the IOI following a ballot of Regional Directors. 

In circumstances where the position of Regional President becomes vacant within 12 months prior to the next scheduled election for the position or pending the election of a Regional President by electronic ballot, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Regional President and such duties as shall from time to time be imposed upon him/her by the Regional Directors”.  

The IOI Europe held an electronic ballot to amend the Rules as outlined and invited all Voting members in good standing to take part in this important decision.

The ballot to agree the changes to the Regional Rules to allow for such a Vice-President is now closed all votes cast were in favour of the proposal. A revised version of the Regional Rules of the IOI Europe is now available in the three official languages of the IOI (i.e. in English, French and Spanish) on the IOI Website.

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