IOI | Anti-corruption training – a few places left

This year the IOI in cooperation with the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) will hold a training session directed specifically towards investigative ombudsman staff of institutions with an anti-corruption mandate. The training will be held in Laxenburg, a small town near Vienna, Austria from 15 to 18 September 2013.

Renowned trainers from IACA and facilitators will lead the group throughout the three-day seminar and will develop, together with the participants, a way forward in combatting corruption. Participants will benefit from sharing best practices with their international co-participants as well as the lecturers in order to promote transparency, accountability and good governance in the public administration on a regional, national and international level.

The IOI is delighted to offer this high-profile training course to IOI member institutions in good standing free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs must be borne by the participants. A few places are still available and the deadline to register has therefore been extended to 18 August 2013 - register now!

The IO General Secretariat is looking forward to welcoming the participants in this year's training session in Austria! More details on the training and on how to register can be found here.

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