The Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia published the English version of its Annual Report 2012. In the preface to the report, Ombudsman Juris Jansons says, “When looking back to the work done in 2012, I can responsibly say that in view of the existing capacity the Ombudsman’s Office is working at full strength. If 2011 was more regarded as a year of changes associated not only with the management change, but mainly with determination of specific objectives and priorities for several subsequent years, then 2012 was characterised by a certain set of activities to facilitate the achievement of it.”
Activities undertaken by the Ombudsman’s Office have been fruitful, since more and more persons are asking the Office for help: 2633 written submissions have been received in 2012, which is by 387 submissions more than in 2011. Statistics summarized in the Ombudsman’s Office demonstrates that there has been a sharp increase in the number of consultations provided – during the year of account 6202 consultations have been provided, 866 from them have been provided by legal advisers in complex cases, and 4780 by the customers' adviser on issues to be solved easier.
Public awareness and knowledge of their rights was also encouraged by publicity activities and cooperation with the media. During the accounting year 4316 publications have been published in the media on issues falling within the Ombudsman’s competence.
The English version of the 2012 Annual Report is now available on the website of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia.
Source: Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia