On 23 April 2012 the members of the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) Gertrude Brinek, Terezija Stoisits and Peter Kostelka presented the annual report 2011. “The new annual report reflects the great amount of confidence that Austrians have in the work of the AOB. In 2011 the AOB took care of requests of more than 16.000 people. The number of investigation procedures initiated increased by 10 percent. In 12,4 percent of 8.400 completed investigation procedures the AOB confirmed a case of maladministration”, AOB Chairwoman Gertrude Brinek summarized the AOB activities in 2011 on the occasion of a press conference in Vienna.
Social affairs, internal security and the judicial administration were once again the hot spots the AOB dealt with in investigation procedures concerning the Federal administration. The number of complaints in the area of both regional and local administration which the AOB is competent for in seven of Austria's nine Federal States increased as well. In 2011 the AOB carried out 2.500 investigative proceedings in matters relating to regional and local administration.
The AOB enjoys high popularity among citizens. In 2011 the AOB received approximately 30.000 items of written correspondence. During 1.800 conversations held at the numerous consultation days throughout the Federal States citizens seized the opportunity to personally discuss their concerns with one member of the AOB.
The English version of the annual report will be available in due time on the website of the AOB.