Board Meeting 2011 to be held in Livingstone, Zambia

The annual meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors will be held in Livingstone, Zambia from 30 October to 2 November 2011. The I.O.I. is looking forward to fruitfull discussions and decisions and would like to thank Ms Caroline Sokoni, Investigator General of Zambia, for hosting this event.

The members of the I.O.I. Board will take the opportunity of this meeting to look back at the progress made and the projects realized during the past membership year, such as the second edition of the successful "Sharpening your Teeth" training for staff members of ombudsman institutions which was held Vienna in June 2011. I.O.I. President and Chair of the By-laws, Membership & Governance Committee Beverley Wakem will report on the committee meeting held in Vienna in May 2011.

Another objective of the upcoming annual meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors is to identify and prioritize projects and activities in the upcoming membership year 2011 / 2012. One of the most ambitious projects for this next year will be the 10th I.O.I. World Conference, to be held in November 2012 in Wellington, New Zealand. Beverley Wakem, I.O.I. President and Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand, will host this event which coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the ombudsman institution in New Zealand. Preparations for this major event are already well under way to ensure a smooth conference flow and an attractive and interesting programme of workshops and topical presentations.

In accordance to Article 21(2) of the I.O.I. By-laws, the I.O.I. Board will also hold officer elections for the function of the President, Vice-President and Treasurer during its Zambia meeting. Detailed information regarding this agenda item will follow in due course. Secretary General Peter Kostelka will preside over these elections.  As a permanent member of the Executive Committee according to the by-laws he is not eligible to stand for election.

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