On 10 December 2013, Tanzania commemorated the sixth Human Rights day and Ethics anniversary through which The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) took a leading role.
During the commemoration day, several vital events were celebrated but the most important one was the official launching of five years (2013-2017) National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) by Vice President of Tanzania Hon. Gharib Mohamed Bilali. The NHRAP responds to the implementation of a long waiting recommendation of the 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action which urged on all states to consider the development of a national plan to promote and protect human rights and ultimately good governance.
This event marked a new pace, that is the Government’s commitment towards protection and promotion of human rights with an ultimately result in the adherence to the principles of administrative justice.
Through NHRAP, the inalienable rights as provided by the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Constitution of Zanzibar will be protected, promoted and guaranteed. The Plan has also a linkage with the human rights international, regional and national covenants, national policy, and national development strategies, legislative, institutional and educational measures.
More importantly the plan recognizes that the protection and promotion of human rights is not limited to a single topic, sector, or government ministries, department and agencies rather its effective implementation is everyone’s business including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and individuals.
On the other hand, the coordination and monitoring responsibilities of the NHRAP, is vested to CHRAGG a government independent institution and CSOs through monitoring and evaluation committee. Additionally, CHRAGG will be responsible in preparation of the implementation progress and final report after five years of the NHRAP implementation life period. The NHRAP has provided an opportunity to establish guiding principles to MDA’s and LGA’s so as to overcome challenges in the areas of human rights and maladministration as well as strengthening CHRAGG’s legal powers and service delivery with the aim of ironing the existing challenges for effective performance.
Source: Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG), Tanzania