CANADA | Citizen’s Representative of Newfoundland and Labrador launches Annual Report

Citizen’s Representative Barry Fleming laid the annual report for 2010-2011 before the House of Assembly on Thursday 27 October 2011.

“The most important work of any ombudsman office is the timely processing of citizen’s complaints” says Fleming and points out, that there has been a large variety on the different complaints through the past year. Beside this main issue, the report shows also the great effort which has been made on providing information to different community groups and a variety of institutions to make the mandate and the role of Office of the Citizen’s Representative familiar and, as Fleming hopes, to be known in future “as an anchor for those adrift in the sea of public administration”.

The Annual Report 2010-2011 is now available on the Website of the Citizen’s Representative of Newfoundland and Labrador as well as on the Website of the I.O.I.

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