Hungary | Commissioner for Fundamental Rights presents OPCAT Annual Report 2018

In accordance with Section 3 of Act CXLIII of 2011 on the Promulgation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT), as of 1 January 2015, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights performs the tasks of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM).

Pursuant to Section 39/C of Act CXI of 2011 on the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, the National Preventive Mechanism shall prepare annually a comprehensive report on its activities, which shall be published on the Office’s website.

The electronic version of the “Comprehensive Annual Report of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the Activities of the OPCAT National Preventive Mechanism in 2018” is now available.

On 25 September 2019, the 6-year term of office of Commissioner László Székely expired. On this occasion Commissioner Székely stressed that: “Saying farewell is always a sad occasion, but it also gives us the opportunity to look back, contemplate our achievements, and phrase the words of appreciation. I would like to thank you for all the hard work you have invested into the fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment”.  


Source: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Hungary

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