UKRAINE | Commissioner for Human rights approved plan for realization of national strategy in the field of human rights

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms.Valeriya Lutkovska approved the Plan of measures for realization of the National strategy in the field of human rights for the period till 2020 and continuous pro-active monitoring by employees of the Secretariat of the Commissioner of a state of fulfillment of the National strategy by the appropriate government bodies is introduced.

Among directions where the work is carried out, – ensuring the right for life, combating tortures, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, ensuring the right for freedom and security of person, ensuring the right for a fair trial, ensuring freedom of thought and word and access to information, ensuring freedom of peaceful assemblies and associations, ensuring the right for participation in administration of state affairs and elections, prevention and combating discrimination, ensuring the rights of indigenous people and ethnic minorities, ensuring the right for a privacy, ensuring the rights of participants of anti-terrorist operation, protection of the rights of internally displaced persons and many other things.

We will remind, on August 25, 2015 the President of Ukraine approved the National strategy for human rights that had been caused by necessity of improvement of activities of the state for the affirmation and ensuring the rights and freedoms of the person, creations of the effective mechanism of protection in Ukraine of the rights and freedoms of the person, the solution of system problems in the mentioned sphere.

National strategy for human rights is focused on the solution of the main system problems in the sphere of protection of the rights and freedoms of the person and new challenges of society. Experience of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, human rights organizations of Ukraine, the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, other international organizations, and also the practice of the European Court of Human Rights is actively used for its realization.


Source: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights - UKRAINE




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