CONTROL YUAN, TAIWAN | Control Yuan organizes keynote speech on new citizen judges trial system

Among the people’s written complaints received by the Control Yuan, cases regarding judicial and prison administration accounted for the largest number, as high as 39.1%; among the investigation reports passed by deliberation, such cases accounted for 21.6%.

It is obvious to see that such cases are a major part of the exercise of the CY’s power. In order to get better understanding of the Citizen Judges Act, which will take effect in 2023, the CY invited the Judicial Yuan Criminal Department to come to the Control Yuan on February 18, 2022, to deliver a speech on the new citizen judges trial system.

The new system allows for the incorporation of the diverse points of view and experiences of citizens to be incorporated into trials and strengthens communications between judicial professionals and outsiders.

Invited speakers provided a detailed explanation of the purpose of the new system, the qualifications required for citizens to participate in the trials, rights and obligations, the content of relevant duties, and relevant guarantees. Participants also raised numerous questions. Through the full and thorough communication facilitated by this event, participants from the CY were able to gain a deeper understanding of the Citizen Judges Act.


Source: Control Yuan, Taiwan

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