During a recent visit to the Ombudsman Bureau of Jordan, September 2012, H.E. Mr. Alex Brenninkmeijer, the Head of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, met with H.E. Mr. Abdelilah Al Kurdi, the President of the Jordanian Ombudsman Bureau, for signing a 'Memorandum of Understanding' to enhance cooperative work between both institutions. His Excellency Al Kurdi stressed that the Ombudsman Bureau can benefit from 30 years of experience of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands compared to the Jordanian Bureau that was established only three years ago. This 'Memorandum of Understanding' will focus on the exchange of expertise to contribute to capacity building, investigative skills, complaint handling, and efficient and timely methods for the overall complaint process.
H.E. Mr. Alex Brenninkmeijer also gave a speech on "The Role of the Ombudsman in Democracy" at the Diplomatic Institute that was organized by the Jordanian Ombudsman Bureau together with the Dutch Jordanian Friendship Association; where attendees included stakeholders, and members of other important local institutions, NGO's and the Media sector.
In his speech, Mr. Alex Brenninkmeijer clarified and gave importance to the role of the Ombudsman within society and the country, and in relation to the government and the citizens; emphasizing issues such as ensuring trust and confidence within the state for the citizens, equality, fundamental right of fairness, authorities giving timely answers on decisions that pertain to citizens, government action of administrations being proportionate, and the importance of the independence of an Ombudsman institution in performing its work. Both institutions share this role of strengthening and ensuring fairness in the relationship between citizens and the state.
After the lecture, H.E. Al Kurdi and H.E. Brenninkmeijer had the chance to answer some of the attendees' questions. They both clarified how the ombudsman not only has access to public authorities, but also has powerful influence on the public administration, and convincing public authorities of certain recommendations. Also, mentioning how the power of the Media enhances the powers of the Ombudsman, by spreading awareness on the role of the ombudsman, and for people to know of their rights.
Source: Ombudsman Bureau of Jordan