UK | December News from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

In 2014-15, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman carried out 4,000 investigations – ten times more than were completed in 2012-13. Rebecca Marsh, Executive Director of Operations and Investigations, explains the use of feedback to improve the service that people are expecting.

The report `Complaints about UK government departments and agencies and some UK public organisations 2014-15´ shows that almost one in seven of the 158 complaints investigated about the Home Office and its immigration agencies, Border Force, UK Visas and Immigration and Immigration Enforcement, were upheld last year, more than double the average for public sector organisations.

The top reason for complaints was delays, followed by poor decision making. Cases included instances where people have been separated from their loved ones, unable to work and where their children have been denied access to education.

The latest edition of selected case summaries shows that too many unresolved complaints are being brought to Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman which could be resolved by public services locally.

People want an explanation, an apology and for the service to improve for others. All of these outcomes are delayed when cases are not resolved locally.

You can access the December News HERE.

Source: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, UK

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