HUNGARY | Deputy Commissioner leaves Office

Dr. Sándor Fülöp, Deputy Commissioner responsible for the protection of the interests of future generations, handed in his resignation on 29 August 2012. Dr. Sándor Fülöp indicated that his resignation will be effective as of 1 September 2012.

Pursuant to Act CXI of 2011 a Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall communicate his or her resignation from office in writing to the Speaker of Parliament through the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights. No statement of acceptance shall be necessary for the validity of the resignation. In accordance with this provision Prof. Dr. Máté Szabó transmitted without delay the written resignation of Dr. Sándor Fülöp to László Kövér, Speaker of Parliament.

According to the relevant legislation the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall submit a proposal to Parliament for the person of the Deputy Commissioner responsible for the protection of the interests of future generations within thirty days of the termination of his mandate.


Source: Commissioner for Fundamental Rights

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