PORTUGAL | Ombudsman publishes English version of annual report

Within his personal message Ombudsman Alfredo José de Sousa highlights the legal amendments to the Statute of the Ombudsman in 2011 as well as changes regarding the communication between citizens and the Office of the Ombudsman.

New activities that have been committed to the Ombudsman within the European Union, United Nations and Council of Europe, namely in his capacity as National Human Rights Institution showed the need to introduce specific amendments to the Statute of the Ombudsman, states Mr de Sousa who issued a Recommendation to the Parliament proposing the amendment.

Beside these legal changes the normal activity of the Ombudsman maintained the upward trend of closed cases and the reduction of the backlog from the previous year. For the first time, electronic complaints are at the top of the chart, representing 49% of the complaints received.



Please find the full report as download below

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