TAIWAN | Diplomat violated human rights

Jacqueline Liu, the former director-general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Kansas City, was arrested on November 11, 2011, on charges of violating a US federal labor law. Liu remained in custody for nearly three months until January 27, 2012.  

Control Yuan members Louis R. Chao, Yeong-Kuang Ger and Yuh-San Liu started investigating the case without delay after the incident. At the end of November 2011, when returning from the 16th General Assembly of the Latin American Ombudsman Federation held in Argentina, the three members stopped in the US and queried two of Liu's staff regarding the matter. 

After pleading guilty, Liu was deported immediately by the US District Judge. She returned to Taiwan on February 15 and was suspended from her duties by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs two days later. At the end of February, the three Control Yuan members held an inquiry involving both the Minister of Foreign Affairs Timothy Chin-Tien Yang and Liu. Their preliminary conclusions were that Liu’s misconduct of underpaying and possibly overworking her housekeepers was clearly against the human rights and severely tarnished the image of the government and that obvious administrative mistakes had occurred. 

It is likely that in its investigative report to be released around April the Control Yuan will propose an impeachment charge against Liu.

Source: Control Yuan

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