WORLD | Dissertation on International Ombudsing – Navigating discursive channels

Ms McKenna Lang completed her doctoral degree through Tilburg University in conjunction with the Taos Institute and provided the IOI with her doctoral thesis, a study on international ombudsing, which examines ombudsmanship in the context of institutional power relations and with a consideration of channels through which to facilitate voice, give feedback to the governing and allow for frank and fearless speech, for ordinary citizens. Ms Lang explores currents in international ombudsing by analyzing existing literature and anonymous interviews with fourteen practicing ombudspersons working in different sectors, around the globe.

Ms Lang interviewed practicing ombudspersons around the globe and from different sectors for her thesis and expressed her particular thanks to her advisor Mr John Winslade, co-author of “Narrative mediation: A new approach to conflict resolution” (2000) and “Practicing narrative mediation: Loosening the grip of conflict” (2008), who has done extensive work in narrative mediation and other fields. Ms Lang also stressed the fact that the international ombudsman community was exceptionally helpful and supportive of her studies and work; a kindness for which she remains very grateful.

C. McKenna Lang currently serves as a Faculty Ombudsperson part time; she has a Ph.D. in Social & Behavioral Sciences from Tilburg University/Taos Institute, Netherlands, an M.A. in Organizational Psychology from Antioch University, Seattle and a B.A. in Economics, cum laude from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Some of her scholarship includes:

Publication: LANG, C. McKenna (2014). “Institutional Ombudsing: Considering the Role of Discourse” [online article]. Journal of the California Caucus of College and University Ombuds. November 2014

Presentation and Facilitation: “The Power of Language in Ombuds Work: The Words We Use, The Words We Choose.” California Caucus of College and University Ombuds. Asilomar, CA. November 2014

Presentation and Facilitation: “Ideas of Good Administration: Continuity from Classical to Contemporary Ombudsing, Panel Moderator. The International Ombudsman Association. Miami, FL. April 2013

Poster Presentation: “Voice, Parresia and a Heterarchy of Angles.” 20th Anniversary Celebration - A Taos Institute Conference Taos, NM, April 2013

Publication: LANG, C. McKenna (2011). “A Western King and an Ancient Notion: Reflections on the Origins of Ombudsing” [online article]. Journal of Conflictology. Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 56-65. Campus for Peace, UOC

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