PAKISTAN/SINDH | Tri-lingual seminar on the role of Ombudsman in Providing Administrative Justice to the People of Sindh

Awareness about the role of Ombudsman among the people, specially the people of far-flung rural areas is of paramount importance as it facilitates the expeditious and inexpensive justice at grass root level. In continuation of his efforts to enhance awareness among the stake holders, a tri-lingual Seminar was organized at Larkana in collaboration with International Ombudsman Institute on the subject of "Role of Ombudsman in Providing Administrative Justice to the People of Sindh". The Seminar was presided over by the Hon’ble Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik and was largely attended by the legislators, N.G.Os, members of Civil Society, Women & Children Organizations and General Public. Mr. Ayaz Soomro present M.N.A. and ex-Provincial Law Minister was guest of honour.

The Seminar was held on 19th November 20014 at Larkana, the seat of ancient civilization of Mohenjo-Daro, and an important developing city of rural Sindh. The Ombudsman Sindh and participants were welcomed by the Secretary of this institution. Speakers from various Organizations i.e. expressed their views about the institution and appreciated its role in providing justice at the grass root level expeditiously and without any financial encumbrance. They admired Ombudsman role in general and specially with regard to its prompt handling of Women & Children related issues. It was also suggested that the amendments recently carried out in the Federal Ombudsman Act may be adopted as it would substantially enhance the Ombudsman authority and capacity for service delivery to the masses. Suggested adoption would contribute to over all working of administrative justice in Sindh.  Mr. Ayaz Soomro, M.N.A & Ex- Provincial Law Minister, Ms. Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto Ex-Provincial Minister, Dr. Sakina Gaad, Mr. Saeed Commissioner, Mr. Laghari Deputy Commissioner & Mr. Sain Rakhio D.I.G. Larkana and former Ambassador Razaque Soomro also expressed their views.

Source: Provincial Ombudsman of Sindh, PAKISTAN

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