PAKISTAN | Dr. Muhammad Sohail Rajput, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh attended International Conference of Ombudsman, Cassino, Italy

Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Dr. Muhammad Sohail Rajput, participated in the International Conference of Ombudsman held on 12-13, September, 2024 in Monte Cassino, Italy.The event was hosted by the Ombudsman of the Lazio Region, Dott. Marino Fardeli.

On the occasion Ombudsman Sindh delivered a presentation on ‘The Impact of Climate Change’ and highlighted the challenges faced by the Pakistan especially with regard to Sindh Province during the 2022 floods.

The Conference emphasized the critical role played by Ombudsman in protecting public rights and promoting accountability within government institutions. The Conference also provided a platform for international delegates to exchange experiences and insights on the challenges faced in their respective regions.

The Conference underscored the importance of global collaboration among Ombudsmen to strengthen systems that safeguard citizen’s rights.


Source: Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Pakistan



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