CANADA | Essay Contest 2015 of the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman (FCO)

See the description for this certificate program HERE

The bursary will be awarded to an individual who presents the most compelling argument for one of the two choices:

·         A more civil approach: The case for establishing Ombuds structures everywhere in Canadian society  or

·         A more civil approach: The case for establishing an Ombuds structure for a particular jurisdiction, industry, institution, profession, organization, etc.

The maximum length of the essay is 10,000 words and it may be written in French or English.

Applications may be submitted in email format to and must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on July 15, 2015 or via postal mail or courier to the FCO Secretariat c/o Intertask Conferences Ltd., 275 Bay Street, Ottawa, ON K1R 5Z5 and must be post-marked either prior to or as of July 15, 2015.

The winning essay will be selected by a Panel of distinguished reviewers made up of Past Presidents of the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman.

Source: Canadian Ombudsman and Ombudsperson, Toronto, Canada

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