European Region organises OPCAT workshop

On 13 and 14 September 2011 an OPCAT workshop (Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture) for Ombudsman institutions will take place in Warsaw, Poland. I.O.I. Europe cooperates with the Polish Ombudsman Institution in the organisation of this event that is partly funded out of I.O.I. regional subventions.

With representatives of the three main actors in the field – the SPT (Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture), the CPT (Committee on the Prevention of Torture, Council of Europe) and the APT (Association for the Prevention of Torture) - present during the whole workshop, the sessions will address three pivotal issues:

  • NPM (National Preventive Mechanism): Mandate, types, structure.
  • Methodology of conducting the NPM visit: choice of centres, experts, interviews.
  • Follow-up of visits and publication of results: networks, coordination, prevention, reporting and recommendations.

There is no registration fee for I.O.I. members but travel and accommodation costs have to be covered by the participants. Please note that the workshop is held in English and that participation is limited to 45 participants.

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