Preparations for I.O.I. world conference under way

The Ombudsmen and staff of the New Zealand Office of the Ombudsmen look forward to welcoming the ombudsman community to New Zealand in November 2012 to the I.O.I. world conference. Information about registration will be sent out in December and the conference website has recently gone "live".

I.O.I. President and conference host Beverley Wakem on the preparations: "Our theme is "Speaking Truth to Power - the Ombudsman in the 21st Century" and our discussions will cover Good Governance (including the challenges facing Ombudsman practice), Access to Justice (with an emphasis on Human Rights) and Transparency (with an emphasis on freedom of information). These topics will be further refined when we have the results of our short survey of Ombudsman offices and further identify the topics which interest all of you. Keynote speakers are being identified and approached over the next month or so."

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