IOI | Farewell to Secretary General Peter Kostelka

Dear Colleagues,

This edition of the IOI Newsletter marks the end of Peter Kostelka’s role as Secretary General of the IOI, as his term as a member of the Austrian Ombudsman Board expires at this time.

We have been fortunate that Peter was the first Secretary General to be appointed to the IOI following the transition to Vienna from Canada.  He has brought to the role energy and vision and considerable experience in relationship management from his previous political roles as State Secretary, Member of the Austrian Parliament and Chairman of a parliamentary group. He has also been a genial  and wise companion as we navigated a number of challenges facing the organisation. As President I have been particularly grateful for Peter’s support.

His gift to the organisation has been the creation of a professional Secretariat which has made managing the affairs of the IOI efficient, effective and seamless.  There is no doubt that together these developments have enlivened the IOI and made it more relevant to members – providing services that enrich their membership overall.  The recent upsurge in member numbers is testament to that.

On behalf of the IOI family I extend to Peter our warm thanks for his immense contribution and express the hope that he will be able to enjoy  the next phase of his life.

Dame Beverly A. Wakem, DNZM, CBE
IOI President

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