This year, the Fundamental Rights Forum, organised by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), will take place from 11 – 12 October 2021. This leading human rights event will take place in Vienna City Hall and online and registration for the various sessions is now open.
The IOI is hosting an online session named “An Ombudsman perspective on migration in Europe” at this event. This session aims to provide information about the work of Ombudsman institutions in the field of migration and asylum. It will present the current challenges they face and show how they seek to protect the rights of migrants and refugees in Europe and on the EU’s external borders.
The Ombudsman of Greece, Mr. Andreas Pottakis, the Basque Country, Mr. Manuel Lezertua, and the Netherlands, Mr. Reinier van Zutphen, will briefly summarise the key findings of their reports on reception and registration, integration, protection services for unaccompanied minors and return.
The session, moderated by the Croatian Ombudswoman, Ms Tena Šimonović Einwalter, aims to discuss these topics with an audience interested in the protection of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.
The Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 is a unique platform for dialogue about the most pressing human rights challenges that Europe faces today. It will be a hybrid event, with the main stage in Vienna and hubs in Strasbourg, Geneva, Warsaw, Ljubljana and Oslo. All sessions will be live-streamed.
We warmly invite you to attend the session and encourage you to register for any of the other very interesting events via the following WEBSITE.