The Western Australian Ombudsman has tabled his 2020-21 annual report in Parliament. The report outlines the work of the Office for the year, including:
The Office finalised 96% of complaints within 3 months.
Since 2007, it has:
- Decreased the age of complaints from 173 days to 45 days; and
- Reduced the cost of resolving complaints by 36%.
100% of the Ombudsman's recommendations were accepted for the fourteenth consecutive year.
In relation to the important function to review child deaths and family domestic violence fatalities, the Office:
- Received 40 investigable child deaths;
- Received 9 reviewable family and domestic violence fatalities;
- Made 14 recommendations about ways to prevent or reduce these deaths and fatalities.
The Ombudsman tabled in Parliament a major own motion investigation report, Preventing suicide by children and young people 2020, which included a report on giving effect to the recommendations arising from the Ombudsman’s Investigation into ways that State Government departments and authorities can prevent or reduce suicide by young people 2014 and a further investigation into ways that State Government departments and authorities can prevent or reduce suicide by children and young people.
The Office undertook a range of work to implement its inaugural Aboriginal Action Plan.
They enhanced awareness and access to the Office for children and young people through a range of mechanisms.
The Office enhanced regional awareness and access to the Office through a visit to Northam and Merredin in the Wheatbelt Region, a visit to the Indian Ocean Territories, a webinar for community service organisations across the Pilbara Region, and an information stall at the Wagin Woolorama Agricultural Show.
Source: Office of the Western Australia Ombudsman