EUROPE | FRA releases "Handbook on Guardianship for children deprived of parental care"

On 30 June, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) released a handbook that aims to help strengthen national guardianship systems for children in Europe. It explains the important role guardians play in protecting all children from child abuse and exploitation.

All children have similar needs and have equal rights, no matter why they have been separated from their parents. This underlines the need to strengthen child protection systems –which vary from country to country – for all children.

The handbook presents a set of core common principles and key standards to improve the conditions of children in guardianship such as invoving children in all aspects of their guardianship, ensuring decisions are guided by the interests of the child and making sure guardianship systems are properly monitored and resourced. This also includes providing appropriate training for guardians.

The handbook provides specific guidance for Member State officials and guardians on how guardianship systems and individual guardians can cater for the particular needs of child victims of trafficking and can protect their rights.

The publication, ‘Guardianship for children deprived of parental care - A handbook to reinforce guardianship systems to cater for the specific needs of child victims of trafficking’, is part of the EU’s anti-trafficking strategy, which recognises the vital role guardians play in protecting children from harm.

Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

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