pakistan | Hon'ble Federal Ombudsman Pakistan visits the Office of Ombudsman Punjab

Federal Ombudsman Pakistan Mr. Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi visited the office of Ombudsman Punjab. Views on procedural and administrative matters/issues of both esteemed organizations were exchanged.

On this occasion, Major (R) Azam Suleman Khan, Ombudsman Punjab apprised the dignitary about the performance of the Provincial Ombudsman Office and the steps taken to ensure the protection of the legal rights of the people. He also described that proficient use of information technology has created ease for the people seeking relief from government departments. Applicants can get certified copies of their decisions online and free of cost. The complainants can also online submit their applications through the website or through the state-of-the-art bilingual mobile application OPMIS designed specifically for the purpose, he mentioned.

Similarly, complaints could be sent by post, through email or the plaintiffs can visit the concerned Regional Office to submit an application. Along with this, the facility of official Helpline 1050 is also provided to help and guide needy people. Now, people can also register their complaints in all 36 districts of the province through this facility, he further explained.

The coordinated liaison between the Federal and Provincial Ombudsman institutions would bolster the institutional mechanism of protection of the rights of the needy, concluded Major (R) Azam Suleman Khan.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman Punjab, Pakistan

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