EUROPE/FRA | Infographics help to raise awareness of the voting rights of people with disabilities

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has developed a family of five infographics to help raise awareness of the voting rights of people with disabilities. Each infographic targets a different audience and draws on research into the right to political participation of people with disabilities.

In April, FRA published the findings from its work to develop a set of human rights indicators on how the right to political participation, as described in the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), is being respected, promoted and fulfilled across the EU.

One of FRA’s findings was the need to increase awareness among election officials, political parties and public authorities on how to cater to the needs of people with disabilities when it comes to political participation. To support this, FRA has developed infographics (see link below) targeting each group. The infographics highlight some of the key indicators that emerged from FRA’s research and what these groups can do to enable people with disabilities to participate in political life.

Another infographic is aimed at disabled people’s organisations, a group who should be involved when producing guidelines for campaign material and making polling stations accessible. There is also a general infographic to explain some of the findings.

Together these infographics should be used to raise awareness among the different audiences about the current state of political participation across the EU for people with participation. They also serve to underline what needs to be done to help break down barriers to ensure more people with disabilities can exercise their right to vote and interest in political participation.


Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

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