PAKISTAN/SINDH | Ombudsman orders operators of a sugar mill to take remedial measures against pollution

A complainant approached Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, complaining that the ash emission from the boiler of a nearby sugar mill during the cane crushing season polluted the atmosphere and discharge of toxic contaminated water from the said sugar mill into Naseer Canal exposed the citizens and marine life to serious health hazards.

Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, took serious note of the matter and issued urgent directives to the authorities concerned to initiate immediate enquiry which revealed that residents of the area were really facing serious health threats. As a consequence of intervention of this institution the remedial measures were taken. Subsequently, the mill was also visited by the officials of the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A) Sindh, from time to time to ensure compliance of E.P.A. rules. After these steps pollution was checked and community was protected from pollution and environmental degradation. Complainant expressed his satisfaction on the steps taken by the mill administration and thanked Ombudsman for redressing his grievance.

Source: Ombudsman of Sindh, PAKISTAN

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