Following several successful training programmes such as the “Sharpening Your Teeth” training course held by Ontario Ombudsman André Marin and the complaint handling seminar conducted by experts from Queen Margaret University, it is our pleasure to announce this year’s IOI training session which will take place from 15 to 18 September 2013 in Laxenburg, a small town near Vienna, Austria.
This time the IOI in cooperation with the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) designed a new training format directed specifically towards investigative ombudsman staff of institutions with an anti-corruption mandate. Participants will benefit from sharing best practices with their international co-participants as well as the lecturers in order to promote transparency, accountability and good governance in the public administration on a regional, national and international level. For a first overview of the content please see the attached draft programme.
The registration form and all necessary information will be sent out in the next days.