IOI | IOI President addresses the Closing Ceremony of the International Conference of Ombudsman in Rome

IOI President Chris Field PSM was honoured to be asked to join, and address, the formal Closing Ceremony of the inaugural International Conference of Ombudsman in Rome, joining Deputy Head of Cabinet with functions of the Lazio Region, Civita Di Russo; President of the Lazio Regional Council, Antonio Aurigemma; Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Giorgio Silli; and President of the National Coordination of Italian Ombudsmen and Ombudsman of the Lazio Region, Marino Fardelli.

The Conference brought together more than 250 delegates from over 50 nations from around the globe. The Conference was a profoundly positive event, and President Field is certain that discussions among colleagues in Rome will contribute to serving our communities even more effectively.

“I thank our host, my friend and colleague, Ombudsman Fardelli, for his outstanding work in producing such a successful event. I am very grateful to the Italian Parliament for so generously providing the Chamber of Deputies for our meeting. It was the perfect place for officers that serve Parliament to gather. I also thank my friend and colleague, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, for attending and addressing the conference, with his accompanying staff; Slava Ukraini” said President Field.

“I leave my final words though for the extraordinary city of Rome. There are countless reasons why any person would be privileged to be in the Eternal City, but what will stay with me is the warmth and generosity of the people of this magnificent ancient, and modern, city” said President Field.


Source: The Office of the IOI President and Western Australian Ombudsman

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