SLOVENIA | Knowledge of complaint procedures under international treaties important for human rights protection

The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia addressed the importance of knowledge of individual complaint procedures under human rights treaties in a webinar hosed by the office in February 2021.

Knowledge of the various channels and methods of appeal is of paramount importance for the effective protection of human rights. Therefore, in February the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia hosted a free webinar at which various experts presented individual complaint mechanisms before the United Nations treaty bodies and discussed the possibilities for exercising human rights.

The participants were first addressed by the Human Rights Ombudsman, Peter Svetina, and the Head of the Human Rights Treaties Division at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ibrahim Salama.

The system of appeals by individuals to the UN international committees provides the highest level of binding human rights protection ever achieved at the international level. "These mechanisms help people have their cases handled even when their national systems potentially fail to protect their rights,” said Ombudsman Peter Svetina among other things.

For more details on the webinar, please visit the Website of the Human Rights Ombudsman.


Source: Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman, Slovenia

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