AMERICAS | Online presentation of Comparative Study on American Ombudspersons



Zoom webinar hosted by Buenos Aires Ombudsman

Monday, 22 March 2021 / 11.00 a.m. ARG (GMT-3)


135 Ombudsman Offices (Defensorías del Pueblo in Spanish) exist on the American Continent. While 74% of countries on the Continent have established Ombudsperson institutions on the national, regional, or local level, there are sometimes important differences in how they are set up and what roles they fulfill.

The Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (DPCABA) has undertaken the task of examining these institutions in a new comparative study. It focused on differences and commonalities in their regulatory frameworks, appointment procedures, structure & functions, jurisdiction, public relations, and strategic alliances. This study was conducted with financial support from the IOI.

The DPCABA offers you the opportunity to find out more about the Ombudsperson institutions in the American region by presenting its study in a webinar featuring the following distinguished speakers:

  • Alejandro Amor, Ombudsman of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
  • Peter Tyndall, President of the International Ombudsman Institute and Ombudsman of Ireland
  • Jordán Rodas Andrade, Chairman of the Ibero-American Federation of Ombudspersons and Ombudsman of Guatemala
  • Remo Carlotto, Special Representative for Human Rights Issues in the International Sphere of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
  • Verónica Gómez, President of the Global Campus of Human Rights
  • Dolores Gandulfo, Executive Director of the Institutional Policy Unit of the Ombudsman Office of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Simultaneous interpretation will be available in Spanish and English. If you are interested and wish to participate, please register by clicking here.


Source: Defensoría del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

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