Macedonia Ombudsman on his visit to police stations

"Visits and insights in police records and material conditions in all 38 police stations of general jurisdiction gave impression for significant progress in terms of update of the books for daily events, registers for called, retained or kept people, and regarding the content of submissions (Report on detention of a person, record for searches, certificates on seized or returned items, official notes, etc.) with some shortcomings. In terms of material conditions, the Ombudsman found that in one part (especially in the larger police stations) was realized a program of the Ministry of Interior for a full reconstruction, overhaul, and even build entirely new facilities for the detention."

This among other things was said in the special information on conditions in the police stations of general jurisdiction, which prepared the Ombudsman after a visit to these stations and submitted to the competent ministry.

At the same time in the Information the Ombudsman recommended the Ministry of Interior in the frame of the available budget to take actions to complete the activities and put into operation the premises whose construction or reconstruction was commenced in 2010 and continue the reconstruction, overhaul and construction in other police stations and departments of Interior affairs to increase the control of police stations in order to ensure greater consistency and to reduce gaps in keeping records, and to ensure continuity of good general hygiene in detention facilities. Also, one of the recommendations is the police stations to act upon the Ombudsman’s remarks made during the visit and to accede to the removal of the irregularities noted by the Ombudsman. (Source:

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