In order to remain the leading organization within the international ombudsman community, the IOI is currently undergoing a period of significant change. In 2009 the Board of Directors agreed to review the IOI’s existing by-laws in terms of membership criteria and governance issues and entrusted a By-laws, Membership & Governance Committee to draft new, revised by-laws in the process.

To guarantee maximum transparency, involving all members was of particular concern to the Board. The Regional Vice-Presidents therefore started a regional consultation phase. Members have been provided with a first draft of these new by-laws and are now invited to contribute actively with their comments and feedback.

Given first input from the regions, the IOI Board of Directors felt an increasing need for a mid-term working meeting, which is now generously hosted by IOI Treasurer and Hong Kong Ombudsman Alan N. Lai from 7 to 8 May 2012.

The primary focus of this meeting will be on the results of the regional consultation. As institutional members in good standing will be requested to vote on these new by-laws at the 10th IOI World Conference in Wellington, New Zealand in November 2012, the Board’s utmost concern is to provide the membership with the final draft of the new by-laws well in advance of the Wellington Conference.

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